Plugged Into Safety Ep. 17 – What is an EEWP?

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Plugged Into Safety Ep. 17 – What is an EEWP?

What is an EEWP?

Join Brian McCauley and Derek Vigstol as they talk about two big topics in this episode: the Electrical Safety Program and the Energized Electrical Work Permit.

If there’s one thing that seems to be on many people’s minds in the electrical industry, it is about making sure they have an Electrical Safety Program in order, whether it’s getting one written for the first time or revising a current one. The task appears daunting with good reason: it is a huge task. But the importance of getting one written that is specific to the work site, not just a generic document copied from another source, cannot be understated.

The guys delve into Energized Electrical Work Permits as well, discussing how big a part this document plays into the ESP. 

Listen to Episode 17

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Don’t forget to also check out the e-Hazard Learning Center and blog to find out more on the EEWP and other topics about electrical safety.

As Brian mentioned in this podcast, special guest Wes Wheeler talked with Brian and Derek about the EEWP in a previous episode. Just click on your favorite platform above and look for Episode 14, “Wes Wheeler.”


The e-Hazard team is dedicated to ensuring people who work with electricity can go home safely to their families.. Read more about e-Hazard.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. GTCole

    Very good topic. On the flip side of being overwhelmed by all the various electrical safety regulations and standards out there, many safety managers erroneously think the opposite. Meaning they believe their company’s “electrical safety procedure” or “electrical safety rule book” is their ESP. Without bursting too many bubbles but this thought process is myopic at best.

    While procedures and rule books are certainly an essential part of your ESP, the ESP encompasses far more than just some text on paper. Reviewing article 110.5 will helps us with only a glimpse of the scope of the ESP. Any company or organization that fully grasp this concept will have a comprehensive and sustainable ESP that will strive for excellence in electrical safety rather than perfection.

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