Customer Testimonials

See what clients and students are saying about e-Hazard’s training classes, audits, and arc flash studies.

Why Choose e-Hazard?

Extremely well done and prepared class. Information was given in a clear concise manner with just enough real world stories to impress the importance of information.

Brian Kantor

- Century Aluminum

Having been in the high voltage industry and training for over 20 years this was fantastic training. Even with all my high voltage experience and training I got a lot out of the class. I would strongly recommend this training.

Jason M

I came to this class thinking we were doing everything we could as far as electrical safety and training but found out quickly we could change a lot of things. Ken Sellars and his team are great at what they do! Thank you all for the great experience and thank you for all for the passion for what...

Daniel S

I found the class/training to be extremely useful. It's easy to lose track of the constant dangers of EV so it was a very eye opening experience I will use these lessons learned daily. Ken was extremely professional and showed immense knowledge of the subject matter. Really appreciate Ken taki...

Aaron H.

Very well done and thought out class. Very appropriate material for our industry. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone working on EVs.

Keith R.

The training was clear and concise. The instructor knew what he was talking about, and made it fun and interesting. All of the staff is very helpful.

Betty J

Ready to Get Started with e-Hazard?

e-Hazard is the industry leader in arc flash and electrical safety training. Our courses keep you compliant with the latest electrical safety regulations and standards.